ISFAA Awards

Each year ISFAA recognizes members for their outstanding contributions and achievements.  Nominations can be submitted directly to the Nominations, Elections, and Awards committee.  Awards are presented at the annual conference.


ISFAA Distinguished Service Award

This award is presented to formally recognize individuals who have made exemplary contributions to the financial aid profession and to the Association. The award is given according to the following policies and procedures:
• The representative must be a current member (regular or associate) of the Association.
• Leadership activities and achievements primarily within the financial aid profession or the higher education community must be noteworthy.
• A career in the financial aid profession which has been marked by long-term service to the Association, fellow professionals and students.

2023 ISFAA Distinguished Service Award Recipient - Sarah Soper, Indiana University

Click to see Past ISFAA Distinguished Service Award Recipients


MASFAA State Leadership Award

The State Leadership Award is presented annually to recognize the outstanding leadership of a member from each of the 9 states within MASFAA. The recipients, who must be current MASFAA members, must have made outstanding contributions to the financial aid profession at the state and regional levels over a sustained period of time, i.e., seven years or more. Leadership at the regional level is not the only criterion for this award, and the selection process will not be limited to current state elected leaders. The individuals selected for this award must exhibit high integrity and character; have shown creative leadership; have inspired and encouraged others to participate actively in professional development activities; have sustained active involvement in professional organizations, and have supported the goals and objectives of MASFAA. 

2023 MASFAA State Leadership Award Recipient - Nathan Lohr, Purdue University

Click to see Past MASFAA State Leadership Award Recipients


ISFAA New Professional Award

This award is presented to formally recognize individuals that have made significant contributions as a new professional within the financial aid profession. The award is given according to the following policies and procedures:
• The representative must be a current member (regular or associate) of the Association.
• The awardee must have been in the financial aid profession for less than five years.
• The awardee must have made significant contributions at the institutional, state, regional and/or national levels.

2023 ISFAA New Professional Award Recipient - Courtney Knauff, IU Indianapolis

Click to see Past ISFAA New Professional Award Recipients


ISFAA President's Award

This award is presented by the current ISFAA President.  It is an award designed to acknowledge a member for their contributions and support to the president and the association.  

2023 ISFAA President Award Recipients

Sara Lambie, Indiana University and Courtney Knauff, IU Indianapolis

Click to see Past ISFAA President Award Recipients


Committee of the Year Award

This award is presented by the current ISFAA President.  It is an award to acknowledge the efforts of an entire committee that has contributed to ISFAA over the past year, and made a significant impact on the organization.

2023 Committee of the Year - ISFAA Conference Program Committee

Brandon Kuntz, Deb Gossman, Holli Hunter, Karen Louis

Click to see Past ISFAA Committee of the Year Award Recipients


Retirement Award

Please let us know of any colleagues who have retired from the financial aid profession due to reasons of health, age or institutional eligibility. This individual must be a regular, associate or affiliate member of ISFAA. The retirement must have taken place during the current year and have occurred prior to the annual conference.